Katie Daniels

(BSc (Hons) MSc MRTPI)


07496 641 812


Katie is a Chartered Town Planner (MRTPI) with over ten years’ experience in providing town planning advice across a number of sectors including residential, leisure, healthcare and education.

Katie has been successful in managing the planning application process from submission to determination on a range of developments of varying scale and complexity. With a strong interest in Development Management and Planning Law, she is well placed to offer strategic planning advice, particularly on complex or nuanced Sites. She is also experienced in the preparation of planning statements; the co-ordination of complex planning applications (including those requiring Environmental Impact Assessments); and the management of multi-disciplinary teams.

More recently, Katie has developed a specialism in relation to the provision of specialist residential accommodation and educational facilities, successfully keeping abreast of the relevant and evolving planning case law, and navigating the associated challenges to deliver positive outcomes for her clients, including securing consent for a number of SEND schools.  

Katie has also supported the preparation and submission of applications on a number of major planning applications in the North West including ‘One Heritage Tower’ a 55 storey residential development in the heart of Greengate, Salford. She has also worked successfully with a wide range of other Local Authorities both across the UK and has a good knowledge of a variety of different LPA approaches to planning issues, conditions and contributions. She is currently advising a number of clients, including Bright Futures Care Ltd and The Hut Group, across their portfolio of properties in both Manchester and Cheshire.

Katie joined Euan Kellie Property Solutions in January 2019 and was promoted to Director in August 2022. She has previously gained experience working as a Planner for IBI Group, Turley and Warrington Borough Council. She is an active Forum for Built Environment (FBE) committee member and plays an active role in organising networking and continued professional development events for property professionals in Manchester.

Katie completed her Master of Science in Planning (MSc) degree at Manchester University between 2012 and 2013. Prior to this, she studied Geography (BSc) at the University of Sheffield.