Approval for redevelopment of former Springfield Business Centre, Salford

We are pleased to have secured approval for the development of 183 new apartments on a highly sustainable brownfield site in Central Salford, within only 400m and a few minutes’ walk of Greengate and the Regional Centre.

The site was previously occupied by industrial units and was therefore considered to be an ‘existing employment area’ under the relevant policies of the Salford Local Plan.

The team successfully navigated the planning process under a PPA with Salford City Council Officers. This included significant pre-application discussion; the preparation and submission of a comprehensive application including single chapter Environmental Statement; and management of the application through the determination process, which included detailed discussions with Officers to overcome their concerns. The scheme was successfully determined at committee following the Officers recommendation for approval despite some local objection to the height of the tallest element of the scheme.

The final development comprises the demolition of the existing building and the construction of 183 residential units within three linked blocks between 3 and 18 storeys in height, with supporting commercial floorspace, access and parking. Significant landscaping is proposed on-site, and the development will also off-site public realm improvements by way of a ‘Riverside Pocket Park’, and the delivery of the Bee Network along Springfield Lane. The development will bring meaningful improvements to the area -  including improved visual amenity, and activation of public spaces and safety -  to the benefit of the wider community.


Cornwall Council grants permission for Salboy’s Narrowcliff development


Meet the Team - Katie